St Joseph's Catholic Infant School

We Follow Christ's Footsteps in Love

Waverley Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 6TA
Paper copies of policies and documents are available on request from the school office

020 8903 6032

Christmas Tree 2022

Dressing the Christmas Tree

December 2022

This year our Christmas tree is outside as our hall is still out of use, however we still enjoyed our annual tradition of dressing the tree and each child put their ornament on the shared tree. This year all our tree decorations were made using recycled materials and even our glitter is eco friendly! Be sure to take a look at the tree in the playground before the end of the Christmas season. 

  As you prepare for Christmas, think about what you do. What place does belief that God came to live among us have in your Christmas?

God of life,

Open our eyes Lord,

to the coming of your light.

Help us grow in hope and give us the courage

to hope for your presence in our hearts,

hope for your peace in our world

and hope for your promise in our lives.

We ask this through Christ

whose birth we are waiting for!
