St Joseph's Catholic Infant School

We Follow Christ's Footsteps in Love

Waverley Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 6TA
Paper copies of policies and documents are available on request from the school office

020 8903 6032





Catholic Life - At Saint Joseph's Infant and Junior Schools we aim to live out our mission statement by helping those in our community. Below you will find all the charities and organisations that our children have been involved with. The School actively engages in charitable outreach which benefits not only those in need but our pupils by developing their social responsibility.  

We work closely with CAFOD to develop our children's understanding of their wider responsibilities both in their community and the wider world.

CCS Lent Appeal: Building Bridges

This year’s appeal is inspired by Pope Francis’s call to ‘build bridges, not walls’ and find ways to connect and help others in their time of need. Every penny raised by your school will support our work with local disadvantaged children and families.

We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why our Prayer Leaders made it there mission to collect food from the children at our school to help those in need. 

The children asked to help support the people of Ukraine by organising an own clothes day and collecting donations as the children entered school. The children enjoyed the day and raised a significant amount of money  for the people of Ukraine and supporting those families in our community.

What is odd socks day?

On the Monday of anti-bullying week (14th November 2022) we wore odd socks to school. We do this to symbolise that we are all different and that children should be themselves, accepting of one another and celebrate difference. 


On Friday 18th November we had blue Friday. On blue Friday everyone dresses in blue, or wears at least an item of blue to recognise anti-bullying week. 

(BLUE - Be Lovely and Understanding to Everyone)




The prayer leaders of the Infant and Junior school brought it to our attention that they would like to do something to support the families who have been tragically affected by the earthquake on Monday 6th February 2023.  After a meeting they decided to have a non-uniform day and ask for donations to raise money that could be donated to CAFOD (Catholic Agency For Overseas Development) who are supporting people in the aftermath of the earthquake. They also requested a one minute silence at 11am to remember and think of the people that have been effected. 

Thanks to our generous families we raised £1,628.84

The Passage is an organisation whose aim is to provide homeless people with support to transform their own lives. Every Christmas our children help this organisation by bringing in items to donate to the Passage. 

Great Ormond Street Hospital is a children's hospital located in the Bloomsbury area of the London Borough of Camden, and a part of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust. Our children support this worthwhile charity by raising money at our Christmas and summer fayres. 


As a school both the Infant School and Junior School are on Brent Council School Streets meaning this reduces traffic on the roads to residents only keeping our children safe.  The children also received special road safety stickers as well as taking part in road safety lessons. 

 The school also celebrated BRIGHT DAY and raise money for the charity to remind people as we are now in the winter months which are darker to wear something bright to ensure you can be seen by road users more easily. 

Religious websites for children

Please click on the links below to visit religious education websites for children and families: