St Joseph's Catholic Infant School

We Follow Christ's Footsteps in Love

Waverley Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 6TA
Paper copies of policies and documents are available on request from the school office

020 8903 6032

Learning about the Mass

The Catholic Mass is the source and summit of the Catholic Faith,

but what does it all mean?

Hopefully the information contained within the links below

will help you and your families understand,

whilst also giving you discussion points

as to how this fits into your daily lives.

Please click on the links below for some further information:

Mass in schools - Westminster Diocese 

Children's Liturgy-CAFOD

Prayers and resources for children's liturgy catechists and for families who aren't able to attend church in person at the moment.


What does The Mark 10 Mission involve? Each episode of The Mark 10 Mission is made up of 5 key elements: Welcome from a host The reading of the Sunday Gospel A reflection unpacking the Scripture A time of guided prayer A song of worship