St Joseph's Catholic Infant School

We Follow Christ's Footsteps in Love

Waverley Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 6TA
Paper copies of policies and documents are available on request from the school office

020 8903 6032

Pupil Voice

We have a Pupil Voice which celebrates our achievements such as our charity work and reminds us of who our school leaders are. We can also write some prayerful intentions for Mrs Whelan and Our Prayer Leaders share at assembly weekly.

Our prayer bags go home in each class weekly and we can share our prayers in these with the rest of the class. 


Each week our teachers choose some work to celebrate our achievements or show the rest of our class how hard we have tried. Every term we also receive special certificates to award our attendance. There are also value awards from each class monthly to recognise children that have consistently demonstrated of one of our Catholic virtues.


Prayer Leaders

Each class has two prayer leaders voted for democratically at the beginning of the year. Our Prayer Leaders not only lead our prayers everyday but voice our opinions and pass on information about school life and upcoming events to us. Our Prayer Leaders represent us in masses, local events and Diocese celebrations. 

Click here to visit the Prayer Leader page.



We can talk to any adult at school if we have a worry, we even have a worry box in each classroom if we want to write them a note. Twice a year, we complete two surveys so the teachers know how we feel about school life. Our teachers will talk to us about anything that we are worried about.

In the general Pupil Survey, we are asked to read a number of statements which ask our opinions on life in school and if we feel safe.

In the RE questionnaire we take part in the questions are:

 Religious Education

Do you like being in school?

I enjoy RE

I understand how to improve in RE

I am given the opportunity to question and wonder  about my faith

Do you find out new things in RE lessons?

I am given feedback on my work

We have opportunities to learn about other faiths

RE is an important subject in our school

 Collective worship

I enjoy collective worship at school

I help plan collective worships

I have lots of opportunities to pray in school

I have regular opportunities to attend church and masses

 Catholic life and mission

I know what our school values are

I learn about what is right and wrong

I feel safe and secure in school

As a school we promote respect for other faiths

Our school promotes equality

Our school helps people in the community

I have a chance to help people who are disadvantaged

Can you give an example of who we have helped as a school?

What do you like most about school?

What would you change?