St Joseph's Catholic Infant School

We Follow Christ's Footsteps in Love

Waverley Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 6TA
Paper copies of policies and documents are available on request from the school office

020 8903 6032

Collective Worship

Please scroll down to see the assemblies

Prayer and Liturgy Policy - Collective Worship Click here to read the policy

Collective worship timetables 

Click on the dates below to open the timetables

(Please be aware dates and times may change due to Parish events)

Class Collective Worship

Please scroll down to see the class assemblies throughout the year. 

Saint Angela Class

Creation and covenant

26th September 2024

Saint Angela's first assembly is about our Current topic in RE  called creation and covenant. The class looked over the topic, explaining about the creation of the Earth and promises that have been made with God.

Dear God,

Thank you for having a special plan for each of us. Just like you did for Abraham.

Lord in your Mercy.

Saint Bernadette Class

To The Ends of the Earth-Jesus,

The Holy Spirit and the Church

2nd May 2024

Saint Bernadette's first assembly helped put us in mind of the story of Pentecost and the events leading up to the coming of the Holy Spirit that day. The children performed marvellously the story for the school and the parents, and lead us in a number of beautiful songs and prayers.

Holy Spirit,
Blow away the things that keep people apart.
Light your flame of love and hope in us,
so that we can be your Pentecost people today.

Saint Teresa Class

From Lent to Easter

14th March 2024

Saint Teresa’s brilliant assembly helped us to continue to think about Lent and the three practices of ‘Give’, ‘Act’ and ‘Pray’. They gave us the mission to try to do more acts of kindness across Lent. They reminded us that the smallest of actions can make a difference.

Dear God,

Your Son Jesus went out into the desert to talk to you in prayer. Help us to talk to you and get closer to you this Lent, in our prayers and in our actions. This Lent show us how to follow you and help us to show kindness to one another. Teach us to share whatever we have fairly so that we can help others.

Saint John Paul Class

Book Week

7th March 2024

Saint John Paul led an informative assembly about World Book Day. They talked about the Bible being the most special of books and retold the Parable of the Net.

Jesus, help my eyes to see All the good you send to me. Jesus, help my ears to hear Calls for help from far and near. Jesus, help my feet to go In the way that You will show. Jesus, help my hands to do All things loving, kind, and true.

Saint George Class

Noah's Ark

8th February 2024

Thank you Saint George for your beautiful assembly today all about the Bible story Noah's Ark. At the end of the story, Noah's family made it to safety, and God made a covenant promise between him, Noah and his creation, symbolised by a rainbow. We need to choose to remain faithful to God instead of worrying what other people think.

Saint Angela Class

Saint Joseph 

Our Patron Saint 

9th November 2023

Saint Angela led a beautiful assembly all about Saint Joseph out patron saint and what makes him so special. They also thought about what makes our school so special and how we can be more like him by being hard working and loving. They reminded us about Pope John Paul’s visit to the school, landing his helicopter in our field and then leading Mass in Wembley stadium.

Saint Christopher Class

Beginning with the Church 

28th September 2023

Saint Christopher started the year with our current topic, Beginning with the Church. We learnt that we are all part of the Body of Christ and remembered how how we can welcome others, just like we are welcomed into the Church when we are Baptised.

Loving God,

as we gather as a family today, may we remember your great love for us. You call us your daughters and sons, making us all members of one family. This day and tomorrow might we remember to welcome and show our love and appreciation for those around us: old friend and new. Make us people who welcome as you did – inviting others to be part of your family, your home. 


Saint Patrick Class

The Coronation

4th May 2023

Saint Patrick led a royal class assembly, which helped us to prepare for the Coronation - we even had royalty in attendance. They reminded us about the King’s care for the environment and the many worthy charities which he supports.

Dear God,
We thank you for your teaching and example through Jesus.
We pray for the King as he prepares for his Coronation.
May you help him to be a peacemaker, pure in heart, merciful and hungry for righteousness.
We pray that you will also help us to shine brightly in the world around us, and ‘be’ who
you have called us to be as we all work together for a hopeful future in which all creation
can flourish.

From Easter to Pentecost

27th April 2023

Saint Bernadette led assembly on our topic From Easter to Pentecost. The children reminded us of the events of Good Friday, Easter Friday and then as Mary visited Jesus’ tomb, an angel appeared and told Mary the Good news that Jesus was alive. The children performed a wonderful role play depicting the events and accompanied it with some beautiful hymns. 

Holy Spirt give us such a lovely mind, make us more like Jesus, gentle, pure and kind.

Holy Spirit brighten each and every day and always look over us especially when we play.

World Maths Day,  Saint Teresa, 

13rd March 2023

Saint Teresa led a wonderful assembly on World Maths Day on Thursday. They reminded us about number facts, odd and even numbers and retold the story of Noah’s Ark where the animals went in two by two.

Dear God,

May we return to you your good works by multiplying it with love and respect,

adding more faith,

subtracting worldly behaviour and evil works,

and dividing your given talents to others,

so we can sum them all and be united as one in your family.

In this we pray,


Class Collective Worship,

Saint Patrick's Day,  Saint George, 

16th March 2023

Saint George class lead our assembly on Saint Patricks day and Saint Joseph's Day. We were introduced to some traditional Irish instruments and traditions, including some fabulous dancing. What a wonderful start to our day. 

Christ with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.


Book Week,  Saint John Paul, 

2nd March 2023

Saint John Paul lead a marvellous collective worship today focusing on book week, our favourite books as well as stories from a very special book the Bible. We heard the story of Jesus calling Levi, which taught us that you can always be forgiven. It was wonderful to see everyone's favourite book and the reasons why we love to read so much. The book day costumes were fantastic. Well done Saint John Paul! 


as I read Your word,

 please help me to know, love, and understand You better.

 to apply Your Word to my life.


People of prayer,  Saint Angela, 

26th January 2023

Saint Angela lead a wonderful collective worship today, the first in our new hall! They reminded us of the Feast of the Epiphany. The Feast of the Epiphany not only remembers the visit of the wise men, it reminds us that God came among us and this should change the way we see things and act.  It is about how God's glory changes human hearts. 

You can have an epiphany moment- This is when you are feeling the presence of God. When have you had an epiphany moment?  The prayer we have been learning about at this time is the Our Father. Remember to pray this at home with your families: 

Our Father, Who art in heaven, 
Hallowed be Thy Name. 
Thy Kingdom come. 
Thy Will be done, 
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. 
And forgive us our trespasses, 
as we forgive those who trespass against us. 
And lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil.


There are some photos from our assembly below.

Kindness, Saint Christopher

9th February 2023

Today Saint Christopher led a wonderful assembly all about kindness. we all found out how wonderful a random act of kindness can be and how it can change someone's day for the better. Thank you Saint Christopher for making our days better today. 

O Lord,

Give me strength today to show kindness in all that I do.

Help me to open my arms to those less fortunate and extend my hand to those who may need it, so that they may see You in my kind words and actions.



A Virtuous Life,  Saint Patrick, 

30th June 2022

Well done Saint Patrick for a beautiful assembly. The children described what we have learnt from our current topic including the concept of caritas. It explores more fully the Church's teaching on the cardinal virtues. This unit continues by teaching the story of the Good Samaritan as a model for a virtuous life.

Loving God,

you taught us to care for others as the Samaritan did. We pray for doctors and nurses and other people who care for those who are sick. Help us to take care of people we see who need our help and care. We ask this through Jesus who taught us in his stories.


From Easter to Pentecost,  Saint Bernadette, 

19th May 2022

Thank you Saint Bernadette for a lovely assembly. The season of Easter begins with Easter Sunday and finishes with Pentecost. The stories of the Season of Easter are our Gold Star stories as they show us that Jesus was not just an ordinary person – he rose from the dead and came alive again! Without the resurrection the Church would not have begun.

Loving God, after Jesus died the disciples were sad.

When he came alive again they were excited and happy.

Help us to remember that our lives are precious and to take good care of ourselves.

Help us to tell others about Jesus being alive again.


From Lent to Easter,  Saint George, 

17th March 2022

Saint George class lead a lovely assembly this morning focusing on our current topic 'From Lent to Easter'. 

Praying the Stations of the Cross is both an action of compassion (love) and appreciation (thanks).

 As an action of compassion it demonstrates love of Christ during his time of suffering – a bit like taking someone to the sickbay or hospital if they are hurt or experiencing some sort of pain (physical or emotional.) It is an act of solidarity, of standing by someone, with compassion, care and a willingness to ‘walk in their shoes’. People who walk the Stations now feel connected to Jesus during his time of pain and suffering. We can also feel this in praying the stations.

 As an action of appreciation walking/praying the stations is an action of thanks. Christians believe that Jesus’ death changed our relationship with God for ever. It was the ultimate gift, one that brought us close to God in new ways. Jesus could have avoided being killed by running away or by denying who he was at his trial, but he did not. If we remember that Jesus was God, the death of God in human form showed us that fidelity to love and to forgiveness is always the best way – even if it costs a great deal.

 During Lent, as we prepare for Easter, praying the Stations of the Cross reminds Catholics of God’s great love for us, shown in the life and death of Jesus; God in human form.


As we continue this journey with you to Easter, help us to remember to stay close to you in what we do, and what we think, and what we say.

Make us mindful of those around us, particularly those who suffer, and help us to give generously of out time our thoughtfulness and our gifts, this Lent.

We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord,


Book Week,  Saint John Paul, 

3rd March 2022

Saint John Paul lead a marvellous collective worship today focusing on book week, our favourite books as well as stories from a very special book the Bible. It was wonderful to see everyone's favourite book and the reasons why we love to read so much. Well done Saint John Paul! 


as I read Your word,  please help me to know, love, and understand You better to apply Your Word to my life.


Being a Sacramental People,  Saint Teresa, 

11th February 2022

Well done to the children in Saint Teresa for their wonderful assemblies this week. It was lovely to have parents
back in and we hope that we will have other classes and parents attending together for the assemblies scheduled for after half term. We were reminded about the importance of being a Sacramental People and showing care for others. They also gave us great examples of how we can find God in our everyday life. This topic reminds us that healing is for the both body, mind and soul. It settles our fears, it takes away the sadness or our wrong-doing and it clear the way of obstacles which bind us.

Loving God,
At every moment of our lives you are present to us, God, in gentle
compassion, in strengthening guidance and in and loving
Help us to recognise you around us, especially in our actions and
words so that our being in the world helps heal it of fear and hurt
and doubt. We ask this through Jesus who taught us to love.

From Advent to Christmas,  Saint Christopher, 

25th November 2021

Well done to Saint Christopher who shared their class assemblies with us this week. It was a wonderful preparation ahead of Advent beginning this Sunday. The children reminded us about the true meaning of Advent and the symbolic meaning of the Advent Wreath.

Pray throughout Advent.

Make an Advent wreath and pray for the coming of God in Jesus.

God of hope, who brought love into this world, be the love that dwells between us.

God of hope, who brought peace into this world, be the peace that dwells between us.

God of hope, who brought joy into this world, be the joy that dwells between us.

God of hope, the rock we stand upon, be the centre, the focus of our lives always, and particularly this Advent time.


Beginning with God,  Saint Angela,  21st October 2021

Well done Saint Angela, a beautiful assembly. It was wonderful to celebrate a class assembly again. Thank you to all the family members who attended. We learned all about revelation and the presence of the Lord in our daily lives. 

Dear God,

who is bigger than all we can imagine or say.

Help us to see you in our world;

in the beauty of the natural world,

in the traditions of our Church,

in the stories of Scripture and in the people around us.

May we remember that,

created in your image,

we are like you and we show others what you are like.

We ask this through Jesus who took on human to show us your great love,


The Nativity

15th December 2023

Thank you Year Two for a simply marvellous Nativity performance. You really worked hard to portray the story of Jesus' birth. We were all reminded of the simple yet miraculous story of Our Saviours arrival on earth so many years ago. 

Our youngest children in nursery also performed a very simple version of the nativity for their parents. They worked hard on the songs and actions. Well done nursery!


Again this year, to remind us all of our Catholic Social Teaching and our efforts at Stewardship, all of our Christmas decorations used recycled materials. The children enjoyed making and hanging the decorations, whilst listening to carols outside. Remember to have a look at our wonderful tree as you pick up your children.

The world was made by God, so we take care of all creation.

God loves and cares for all of creation Matthew 6:25-34

Collective Worship 2023

Year Two class masses

Joined by the parents of Year two and Our Parish Priests Summer 2023

May Procession for Mary

Whole school May Procession with Class Prayers dedicated to Mary 

The children gathered together for prayers and then processed around the school to our newly blessed prayer garden to lay flowers to Our Lady.

Ash Wednesday

22nd February 2023

Father Anthony joined us today to distribute ashes and

pray with us in school. All our children from nursery to year two took part in collective worship preparing us for the start of Lent. We will keep praying during this time for peace and health for all throughout our world.  

Dressing the Christmas Tree

December 2022

This year our Christmas tree is outside as our hall is still out of use, however we still enjoyed our annual tradition of dressing the tree and each child put their ornament on the shared tree. This year all our tree decorations were made using recycled materials and even our glitter is eco friendly! Be sure to take a look at the tree in the playground before the end of the Christmas season. 

  As you prepare for Christmas, think about what you do. What place does belief that God came to live among us have in your Christmas?

God of life,

Open our eyes Lord,

to the coming of your light.

Help us grow in hope and give us the courage

to hope for your presence in our hearts,

hope for your peace in our world

and hope for your promise in our lives.

We ask this through Christ

whose birth we are waiting for!




16th September 2022

One of the activities the children completed to remember Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was to make flowers to lay as a floral tribute at the school. Each class visited the flowers and remembered our Queen and prayed for her. 

Join the Saint Joseph's Infant and Junior Prayer leaders in praying the Stations of the Cross, introduced by our Head Girl and Boy. (Video below)

The Stations of the Cross March 2022

Ash Wednesday

2nd March 2022

The Infant children were glad to welcome Father Anthony today to distribute ashes and pray with us in school. All our children from nursery to year two took part in collective worship preparing us for the start of Lent. We will keep praying during this time for peace and health for all throughout our world. 

Dear Lord, Forgive our sins,

and keep us faithful,

so that we may live with Christ

who rose from the dead for us,

and lives with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.


Year One present

A Miracle in Town: The Nativity

December 2021

We’re going to tell you a story. It’s the story of the very first Christmas. Jesus, the Son of God, is born in Bethlehem, in a stable under a star – a wonderful miracle that would change the world forever.

Written by Niki Davies

Lighting the Advent Wreath


Dressing the Christmas Tree

December 2021

Today, the Infant children dressed the Christmas tree with all the beautiful decorations the children had made. 

Each class came in to dress the tree, and it was wonderful to see how each decoration was made.

Then (with a little Christmas magic and some wishes) the tree was lit! 

What a wonderful day!

Lord God,
let your blessing come upon us
as we illumine this tree.
May the light and cheer it gives
be a sign of the joy that fills our hearts.
May all who delight in this tree
come to the knowledge and joy of salvation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Lighting the Advent Wreath


Dressing the Christmas Tree

December 2020

Today, the Infant children dressed the Christmas tree with all the beautiful decorations the children had made. 

Each class came in to dress the tree, and it was wonderful to see how each decoration was made.

Then (with a little Christmas magic and some wishes) the tree was lit! 

What a wonderful day!

This tree is a blessing to our school.

It reminds us of all that is beautiful,

all that is filled with the gentleness and the promise of God.

It stands in our midst as a tree of light, that we might promise such beauty to one another and to our world.

It stands like that tree of paradise that God made into the tree of life, the cross of Jesus.